21 December 2011
I Am Back!
Stand by for some things that I have been wanting to get off my chest.
19 October 2011
Fox's Worst Nightmare
This is their worst nightmare from a ratings perspective. I almost didn't keep track of the LCSs.
I suspect outside of St. Louis and the state of Texas no one really cares.
13 October 2011
Kim & Kris...
How about a dis-illusioned view of the world...
Here are a few quotes from not only thew world's most annoying woman, but her now, equally annoying husband...
- "It's been work non-stop, and I think [Kris] finally appreciates all the hard work we do. It's like, 'I'm running off here to do this' ... there's so much going on. He finally gets it."
- Of course, things aren't always perfect. She explained what was behind a pre-wedding spat with her husband over wedding-planning duties. "I asked him to do a few things," she said. "And he kept on being so opinionated ... but when I asked him to do something, nothing would happen ... It would take him forever to do something. So I think I finally just lost it and was like, 'I can't do his seating chart, I can't do any of the things on his side of the family.' It was just really frustrating because all of my things were done. So I just lost it."
Ahh...the important things in life.
I give this marriage 3 years (maybe).
11 October 2011
Another Al Sharpton Golden Nugget
"We are here today because we agree 1% should not be controlling the (nation's) wealth," Sharpton said on his nationally syndicated radio program. "These (demonstrators) are regular people trying to feed their families, trying to pay their rent and mortgages, trying to survive."
I dont really understand the last part...Instead of protesting, because they cannot pay rent or mortgage...I have a brilliant idea...
Oh No...
What am I going to do???
I just came up with an idea...
06 October 2011
Way To Go Chris!
Although he had a strong performance against the Redskins on MNF, I love that CC47 is not afraid to call him out after an awful game against the Lions.
CC47 is proud to be a Washington Redskins, and understands the rivalry with the Cowboys. For all the crap he is taking, just the opposite should be occurring. He should be lauded for voicing his opinion and not sticking to the political correct NFL.
Keep it up CC.
05 October 2011
A New Pet Peeve
When I send someone an email, it provides all my information. On the flip side, I store just about every email I have ever received, as it is easy to go back, find the email, and look for the POC info...
It really bothers me when someone simply signs there name...
04 October 2011
A Few More Things To Say
- WMS...Leave me alone (also...The Bills will likely end up 8-8)!
- I do not know what to make of the new iPhone5. I am still not sure I want one. Moreover, this whole Sprint thing seems odd. What is even stranger is the iPhone5 vs. iPhone 4s (for VZ and AT&T). I guess we will know more soon.
- Had the chance to fly to Orlando last week. Flight was delayed both ways. You know what sucks...flying sucks!
- We have been planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas for a few weeks now, and it never ceases to amaze me how stressful that can be...with a specific focus on the family dynamic.
- Even though winter has not even arrived, I am already excited about Spring. Does a dislike for the Winter make me a curmudgeon?
- Why can't the Redskins finish an opponent. Up 17-0, we have no ability to close a team out. The Packers, on the other hand, were up 14-0 on the Broncos, and stepped on their throat by doing an Onside kick in the 2nd quarter. That is how it is done!
- Baptising my 2nd child this weekend...looking forward to it.
- That is all I got for now.
26 September 2011
Just Do Not Have A Lot To Say...
- Things seem slow...
- Happy about the Skins 2-0 start...hope to make it 3-0 tonight against the CowGirls
- Seems that for the 1st time in a long time, there is parity in the NFL....pretty exciting
- Glad to see Hockey is back...
- I dont care about the NBA...I hope it stays locked out.
- Having 2 kids is tiring
- That is all I have for now.
08 September 2011
03 September 2011
Bud Light Lime
Does that mean Lime Juice?
What a crock of $hit.
31 August 2011
Another Thing That Pisses Me Off...
I am not a lawyer, but I question the law behind these. Are you allowed to strike the amount and put less if you want. A "gratuity" by rule is at your own volition...if a restaurant automatically charges you for that, it is not a gratuity, but a charge.
Here is what also pisses me off...I can understand when you have a large group (say 8 or more)....today, however I went to Johnny Rockets. It was awful. We were 4 people of which one of those "people" was my 2.5 year old.
They charged 15% and the service was terrible. Simply terrible. The only thing it was better than, was the food.
Finally, the kicker...
They do not tell you it is automatic...they try to slip in the line "additional gratuity" (as in over and above). This is criminal.
30 August 2011
Good Luck??? (I am not sure...)
As I was running up and down the beach with the kids, to burn some energy before hitting the road, a Seagul crapped on me.
They call it good luck....but I am still waiting on that.
16 August 2011
Entourage (The Last Season)...
The overall story line is missing some of the key attributes from prior seasons, such as humor, nudity, and overall "life in Hollywood."
I hope over the final 3-5 epidsodes they can get back to the roots that made it so popular.
10 August 2011
Why would anyone want to pay closing fees? Am I missing something?
NFL Knowledge
I was 1st up and asked who the head coach was for the Oakland Raider???
Seriously...who knows that?
It is Hue Jackson by the way!
08 August 2011
Training Camp Verbal Crutches...
- From the Veterans: "No matter how much you work out in the offseason, nothing prepares you to be in 'football shape'"
- From the new guys/rookies: "It takes a day or two to catch up to NFL speed"
- From the injured guys: "It is always tough to see the guys out there getting the reps, but at least I can be out here getting the mental reps"
And the quote of the preseason, thus far, goes to undrafted rookie, CB Dante Barnes, out of Norfolk St:
“I’m not standing around here just trying to wait. I’m trying to get in here and eat,” Barnes said. “The wolf has got to eat. The sheep, they get ate. I’m trying to be that wolf."
29 July 2011
Way To Start A Day...
What a great tune...timeless by all accounts.
It was a great way to start the day!
26 July 2011
It looks horrible.
Unless the tree had disease, it makes no sense.
22 July 2011
This Heat...
I can deal with 90. I can even deal with 95.
100+ is just ugly...
Plus it gives me B.O.
21 July 2011
What Do You Do When...
Jay is not my name...it is not even close!
I just kinda blankly stared momentarily and then followed through on the conversation as if nothing was wrong!
These are the tough decisions in life. Hmmmmm
19 July 2011
The Great 8 (Ovie)
On how he found out right before a flight that the Capitals had signed Vokoun:
“So right before the plane, I go to restaurant with my friends. So we’re sitting and eating and my friend go to Internet and he said, ‘What the hell is going on right now? Capitals signed Tomas Vokoun.’ I said, ‘No way. Joke.’ So we start talking and have a good discussion, ‘No, it’s unbelievable, we just signed Tomas Vokoun,’ and I said, give me the phone.
“So I texted a guy who live here in D.C. and he said yeah, it’s true. So all the guys who sit in there was so happy, like a bomb in the restaurant. ... It’s nice he’s right now in our team and not a different team because it’s hard to play against him.”
You cant make this stuff up.
13 July 2011
11 July 2011
Armchair Parenting...
To that end, it is HARD to believe some of the things that come out of parents mouth, especially when in front of other parents, as they stand on the sidelines. It never ceases to amaze me, how silly someone is willing to make themselves sound, in an open environment, especially in front of children.
I was thinking about things that I might say to someone in response:
"Do I come to your office and tell you how bad a job you are doing?"
"I might be a bad official, but your child is a horrible lacrosse player"
"F&*^ YOU!"
I am welcome to other "bits of feedback"
Lack of Blogging...
24 June 2011
The Dilemna
The only "Dilemna" I saw was whether to turn it off half way through...
Just Awful!
23 June 2011
Season Tickets for the Redskins
Mr. Snyder, in all his wisdom, then decided to destroy our seats and replace them with a "party deck" and told those ticket holders that they would be moved. This pompous A-Hole just assumed it was OK to take our $$$, and then move people, without telling them.
The story gets better...
It was announced just yesterday that Mr. Snyder has decided to sell the seats in pairs for $250, so that fans could have them on their patios or decks.
To recap, we paid for our seats, he took them out of the stadium, and is now trying to resell them.
I realize I have posted this picture before, but it would seem appropriate to do so again...

22 June 2011
Last Night
I dont know why I was listening, but I was glad I did.
It actually reminded me of being a kid, and listening to games before I would go to sleep...
I am not a big fan of baseball...but then again, anything is better than the NBA.
I sure hope the NFL lockout gets resolved.
13 June 2011
Go Mavs.
It was horrible, but the only reason I watched was in hope that the Miami Heat would lose, and specifically LeBron would lose. Also, I like Mark Cuban. He seems a much smarter and nicer version than Dan Snyder. Young, brash, rich, but approachable. He is "one of the guys."
I went to bed late, but I was happy to see them run off the court with their heads down.
As I have said before, 'Bron-'Bron cries over everything. You have rediculous scuffles after time outs because of $hit talking. The NBA sucks...
09 June 2011
It Has Been A While...
Welcome to the world Hunter!
06 May 2011
I am Kinda Surprised...
- Osama Bin Laden was captured and killed. President Obama, I believe, deserves a large amount of credit for "getting it done." It is days like these that make you proud to be an American.
- The Caps lost in shocking fashion...leaving the team and its fans with a lot of questions, and not a lot of answers. I was thinking about this as I was watching Game 4 the other night, and realized the emotion that got to me the most was ANGER. I couldn't believe how swift it was. While I was excited to watch the team play into June, now I have to wait until the Redskins season starts, and with the lockout, even that is up in the air
- So, in reviewing the Draft, I am somewhat pleased. They did what I wanted and continually slide back in the draft, for more picks. I think we remain uber deficient on the Offensive Live.
- Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there...
20 April 2011
Might Be A Bit Much...not sure!
A bit much? Maybe...but who am I to judge!
14 April 2011
What a great victory last night.
I get so amped up for NHL playoffs...there is nothing better, and a simple play can sway the whole series. That is what makes it so great.
13 April 2011
My Tax Pay $$$
Just 2 weeks ago, he was at Georgetown, where I was officiating a lacrosse game the night before his arrival and the school was already going on lock-down.
I understand the need for the President of the United States to be out and about, and interact with his "constituency." However, I often think this is not thought through given the implication on the people, as well as the tax dollars.
Why does he have to give a speech from GW, when he is blocks from him home base, and can simply roll down the hallway in a secured facility.
Can you imagine what it costs for the security at a place like GW, plus the impacts on traffic with the motorcade, all for a 30 minute speech and photo-op?
I think this was a poor decision, given we just resolved the budget crisis, and he is off giving speeches down the block!!!
12 April 2011
One of My Favorite Things...
is to have my child smack me in the face, right on the bridge of my nose, with one of his trucks at 7 in the morning.
Who needs a cup of coffee, when a good ole slap really wakes you up?
08 April 2011
30 March 2011
"I want to share with you a story about the character of the cadets we have at West Point. It comes from the father of a Lehigh lacrosse player about how the Army team treated the Lehigh goalie, Dan Carr, after the end of the game last week and after learning that Carr's father had suddenly passed away." "At the conclusion of a well fought Lehigh-Army game, the teams lined up for the traditional hand shake. As they assembled, I noticed Dan and Army's goalie Tom Palesky deep in conversation. They continued to talk even after both teams were queued and ready to proceed. Then, as Dan and Tom shook hands, Tom embraced Dan and gave him a hearty hug and pat on the back. I considered as they hugged, that goalies are a breed apart and certainly empathetic to one another. However, the next player to shake Dan's hand also paused and spoke for a moment and then gave Dan a hug and pat. As the procession continued, every player on the Army team stopped to give Dan a word of condolence and a hug. About half way through the team handshake, I began to realize something I've have always felt but could never quite articulate and that is I now understand Lacrosse is far more than a game, it is a tribe. A culture that instills a discipline and spirit that forges the players into a unique fraternity.
In the world of Division I men's sports, it is almost anachronistic that a young man can be both a warrior and a gentleman, but Tuesday night illustrated that West Point continues it's long tradition of creating both officers and gentlemen of character. By the end of the team handshake, as I watched through teary eyes, I knew as a Lacrosse father and an American, that I have never prouder to be both."
I am extremely proud to be affiliated with both!
25 March 2011
Way To Go Joe!!!
We are at War in Afghanistan. We are engaging in War in Libya. One of our biggest allies in Japan is literally having a melt down after a major natural disaster, and this is just a short list of things going on in the World right now...
What is Joe up to???
You know...hanging out with the Yankees of course in sunny warm Tampa, FL.
I was under the impression that Joe was the VP, given all of his Foreign Relations background. Seems like it would be a good time to use some of that expertise. Instead, he is going around touting a plan for a $50B Super Railroad.
And people were afraid of Sarah Palin as the VP...Great choice America. You should be proud of yourself.
What a moron!
24 March 2011
I like to look to see how many "cheaters" there are in the HOV lane.
I was surprised to see none last night, as there are often many cheaters.
One thing I did notice is that Hybrids, which are allowed in the HOV lane with only 1 person, are dominated by Toyota. I guess I never really payed attention to it, but nearly every hybrid I saw was a Toyota, with the occasional Honda.
23 March 2011
30 for 30
I am only a little bit through the Fab 5 episode, and I am hooked. While I understand that each is written and directed by someone different, they all share the common thread of being great stories, and stories behind the stories.
Each has the ability to show the impact of their story on current culture, world news, or even a turning point in sports.
I have especially liked the episodes on SMU Football, The Columbian Soccer Team, and Mike Tyson and Tupac.
I can only imagine what is to come!
18 March 2011
CBS Sportsline
I am sure it does a good job of reporting, and writing columns, and providing a "be-all, end-all" repository of data, but doesn't everyone just use ESPN?
Am I the only one who feels that way?
17 March 2011
Expect It!
I, like most people in Washington would love them to be a great team this year. I am not really a big baseball fan, but at least my expectations are tempered that we are probably another sub-500 team this year.
Which brings me back to "Expect It"
What am I to expect?
- Stephen Strassburg coming back...Nope!
- A Starting Rotation that will have at least a 15 game winner...Nope!
- A strong bullpen....Nope!
- Consistent Defense...Nope!
- Other Injuries...Probably!
I hope we are good...but at least the blind faith I have in the Redskins every year is not present with the Nats...
Maybe TR will win a Presidents race this year...Probably not though!
10 March 2011
The Instant Message From My Wife...
- Another sign we are doing a great job as parents...
- I'm making the bed and our son is playing with the iPad, yelling "$hit, $hit" at it when it doesn't do what he wants
I can hardly imagine where he gets it from!
07 March 2011
Tim Pawlenty
"Pawlenty is more electable that Palin, who is on the wrong end of a two-to-one split in public opinion; or Huckabee, who has never demonstrated any ability to win votes from non-evangelical voters; or Gingrich, who has enough baggage to open a Louis Vuitton store: or Haley Barbour, who, as a former lobbyist for tobacco companies and the governor of Mississippi, combines several Republican sterotypes to damaging effect. Electability would probably hand Pawlenty the nomination in a one-to-one race against any of these contenders. He would probably beat Romney in a head-to-head race, too. [He then goes on to give 5 reasons why he will beat Romeny]"
Barring something major happening, I think Obama might be back for 4 more years. Scary thought!
01 March 2011
My Monday
- I dealt with my 1st "tornado warning" and had to be "evacuated" to the 1st floor of my 3 story office building in Huntsville. In a tornado, if it cleans out a building...why do I want to be on the ground floor, as it all comes toppling down on me. I either want to be in an underground shelter, or on the top floor.
- I had the pleasure of watching the Today Show interview with Charlie Sheen. What a delight! He is so messed up, it is past unfortunate, and has moved to laughable. I am so excited to find a break and watch the follow-up from today's interview
- I saw "Just Go With It" last night. This is the movie with Adam Sandler, Jennifer Anniston, and Brooklyn Decker. While the movie (like often is the case with Sandler movies) was about 10-15 minutes to long, but hilarious nonetheless. I came away from the movie thinking that Brooklyn Decker is deserving of an Oscar. OK...that might be a stretch, but she is unbelievable looking!
- After getting back from the movie...I watched Real Sports interview with Mike Tyson...what does he do with all of his free time, living on the outskirts of Vegas...he plays with Pigeons!
25 February 2011
The Office
No 2 ways about it.
It is not funny, the writing is stale, and overall, they are not using the characters as they should:
- Andy is funny when he sings
- Creed is funny when he is creepy
- Meredith is funny when she is drunk
- Gabe is funny when he is annoying
- etc. etc. etc.
The coming of Will Ferrel is needed!
23 February 2011
Pride in Where You Live!
I think these are the most well known. Well I came across one today I had not seen.
I crept closer and closer, only to see that it said on the bottom, South Riding, VA.
1. If you have to have what the initials stand for at the bottom...no one knows anything about your town.
2. Do you really have pride in South Riding, VA, a town that has crept up in the last 15 years, as part of the expansion of Washington...
Come on...get a grip!
EDIT: My apologies to the author of the anonymous comment...I think all of the white oval bumper stickers are rediculous...regardless of where it represents!
21 February 2011
I am Quite The Handy Man
I took it apart. Replaced the bolts, the nuts, the gaskets, and the washers. Put it back together, and voila...$6.50 later and 30 minutes of effort.
No plumber needed.
Feelin pretty good about myself!
If this whole consulting thing doesn't work out, I can let my a$$ crack hang out, while fixin toilets!
17 February 2011
Pissed Off!
That was until a car, driven by what appeared to be a normal looking 25 year old male, pulled around me and into the Handicap spot.
He strolled on in, and strolled on out, without a care in the world. There were no Handicap markings on the car.
This pisses me off, as those spots are there for a reason, not for when the lot is full.
What is one to do?
14 February 2011
VOLT Restaurant
1st Course:
- clam chowder mock root vegetables, dehydrated bacon, california osetra (ME)
- cherry glen farm goat cheese ravioli butternut squash, maitake mushrooms, toasted pumpkin seed, celeriac (WIFE)
2nd Course:
- red wattle pork belly calypso beans, petite turnips, mustard seeds, mostarda (WE EACH HAD THIS)
Main Course:
- Maine lobster black forbidden rice, celery root, carrot tarragon vinaigrette (ME)
- pineland farms strip loin gratin of beef cheek and potato, sorghum glazed turnips, pearl onion, petit carrots, rutabaga (WIFE)
DESSERT (Shared):
- Apple gala apple and walnut cake, bourbon poached apples, macon apple butter, dulce de leche ice cream
- Textures of chocolate ganache, chocolate caramel, pistachio, raw organic cocoa
The final touch, which I really liked was when we left, they gave each of a coffee cake to enjoy in the AM.
Overall, a very enjoyable experience...will not rush to get back!
10 February 2011
Awkward Valentines
We had a dozen left, and instead of plowing through them (my choice), my wife suggested I pass them out at work.
My co-workers were very appreciative of the freshly made cupcakes, however, it brought me screaming back to my childhood days of those awkward moments when you were about 8 years old, and you were trying to figure out which the least weird valentines cards would go to the guys in your class, because it was required you give one to everyone...
08 February 2011
I also realize we have many many problems that need solving...we are certainly not perfect, far from it in fact.
All that being said, why do we feel we need to stick our nose in every other country's business? This is not Iraq or Afghanistan, who pose a direct threat to the National Security of this country...
My point is all about Egypt. Why do we feel we need to go and send people? Why do we need to comment on the situation from every office of the Govt? Why does it have to be the lead story of every morning, noon, and night edition of the news?
It is not like Egypt is a critical partner to the success and failures of the United States. We got our people out, and should keep them out until this thing is resolved. How about we let Egypt figure this out on their own?
Maybe we could focus some of our efforts on things like the economy, national defense, health care, job creation, crime, etc. etc. etc. (i.e. NOT EGYPT)
07 February 2011
Post Super Bowl Feedback (both football and non-football related)
- Outstanding game with ups and downs throughout. I think the better team won. It is unbelievable how singular plays (or non-plays) can affect the outcome of an NFL game. This is obviously more-so in the SuperBowl than a regular season game. As an example, at least 3 dropped passes for 1st downs by the Pack, which caused punts and game-changing penalties.
- 1 and only 1 memorable commerical. It was the Doritos commerical where the guy licks his colleagues finger. Nothing else stuck out. I also did not see the silent Anheuser commercial thanking the troops
- Outstanding half time show. Loved having Slash and Usher on as well. The singing wasnt good, but I think that was a result of the TV, the arena, etc. Great song selection, entertaining dancing. Memorable for all the right reason. Also like Will I Am calling out Obama in the middle of the song.
- The National Anthem....ummmm, need I say more? I am fairly certain we are not going to be hearing from her anytime soon. Also, I think she looked a lot like a blond Snookie.
- Loved that they shows the Medal of Honor recipient. Very cool!
Great evening all around! Jealous of the Packers fans, and a clear indication that the Redskins are so so so far away in terms of how these organizations operate and WIN!
03 February 2011
Dont Have Much To Say...
In a "I cant believe Dan Snyder hasnt learned yet moment" Dan Snyder is suing a crappy little newspaper that no one reads, because they wrote some "not so nice things" about him. Will he ever learn?
I am ready for warm weather!
19 January 2011
Guess "Hu" is in Town?
A headline I saw stated "Obama hosts Hu..."
All I could think of was the Dr. Seuss story "Horton Hears a Who," which when I looked up the story line was described as this...
"The book tells the story of Horton the Elephant who, in the afternoon of May 15 while splashing in a pool located in the Jungle of Nool, hears a small speck of dust talking to him. It turns out the speck of dust is actually a tiny planet, home to a city called Who-ville, inhabited by microscopic-sized inhabitants known as Whos and led by a character known as the Mayor."
The similarities are eery. I would change it to Obama the Donkey...Who-ville is China, filled with little people...
The Slow Season...
Football is over, no one cares about basketball (professional, that is), baseball isn't around yet (for those people that care about that), and while I am a huge Washington Caps fan, hockey is still not popular...
On another note...
This week seems to be moving at a snail's pace, unlike last week that flew by. I am not sure what causes that!
On another note...
I have been interviewing candidate a lot recently, and I find that I can almost make an immediate assumption if I think this candidate will fit. Only every so often, do I change that assuption, based on what he or she says.
On another note...
Good to have the PGA Tour back...I havent really settled in yet to watch many rounds, but there might be nothing more relaxing that watching a round on a cold Sunday afternoon.
I am gettting to the point in the Winter, that it is time to warm up!
11 January 2011
A Few Random Musings
- Today is 1/11/11. This sort of thing will not happen for another 4060 days (2/22/22). You might think I read that somewhere, but in fact, I used MS Excel to figure that out.
- I was looking for a shootout in last night's BCS National Championship game, and from that standpoint, I was disappointed. However, the game was tight throughout, and a solid finish nonetheless. The one thing I do feel confident is that in the next few years, one or both of these teams will end up in some kind of trouble with the NCAA
- Supposedly, Big Red (Verizon) is going to announce the iPhone today. That would be very very exciting I believe. I am also a Big Red stock holder, and can only imagine this will have a positive effect.
- I am getting rather bored with my Blackberry, and to have the option of a fun new toy like an iPhone would be something to look forward to.
- I am ready for our "big snowfall." We are expected 1-3 inches today, which I deem bothersome. I would rather get 1 big snowstorm every year, and have that be it.
- My desk at the office is getting overloaded...I need to clean it up sooner, rather than later.
- I do not know what to make of the pending Seattle vs. Chicago playoff game. It might end in a score of 3-2 (winner TBD).
10 January 2011
It was a very enjoyable experience, and one of the highlights of the evening was simply an opportunity to do something different on a "night out."
Overall the show was incredibly well done. The music, although new to me, provided a mix of excitement and story telling. The accents from across the regions came through, and the stage provided an incredible array of backgrounds that are unmatched.
Seeing a production of that size can only be done at a place like the Kennedy Center, and was something I will remember for quite some time.
06 January 2011
- Who cares?
- Who watches Horse Racing other than the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness? No one watches the Belmont unless the same horse won the 1st 2!
- Who votes on this award? The guys cleaning up their crap in the stables?
Also...who goes to espn.com to look at Horse Racing?
PS...its my birthday
04 January 2011
College Football Uniforms
However, with Title IX playing such a prevalant role over the past 2 decades, and sports such as wrestling being eliminated, I dont understand the uniforms being used in college football.
Maybe they dont pay for them, and companies like Nike just provide them to the schools as part of their licensing agreement, but I cannot imagine what a full uniform and helmet costs, for 3 hours on TV.
I think of Oregon, VA Tech, even West Point, who have worn at least 4 uniforms this year...
Where does the money come from?