17 December 2009

Merry XMas

Thanks Danny Boy for the best XMas present ever....


Dont let the door hit your a$$ on the way out!

15 December 2009

Go Green!!!

I am not one to care much about the environment, but people who do, do not bother me...

What does bother me is that when I wash my hands, and the stupid motion sensor paper tower dispenser, never actually gives you enough to dry your hands...

I usually want to punch those things, but then they break, and you have to walk out with wet hands, having to touch the door of your co-worker who just nearly $hit his pants after his Salisbury Steak TV Dinner for lunch, and "forgot" to wash his hands.

Thanks "Green" movement for that!

14 December 2009


I love how in the NFL, announcers always say, "The NFL is a copycat league!"

You know who else are copycats...the announcers themselves:

1. I have never heard of the guy who was the color analyst yesterday for the Skins game (Charles Davis)?
2. I am not sure it mattered, as I dont think anyone was watching
3. All he talked about was double moves that Laron Landry likes to bite on, which is exactly what everyone has talked about ALL YEAR!
4. I am not sure what is on Dick Stockton's head, but I am fairly confident, its not hair!

Good Win!

13 December 2009


I am not sure if I am becoming more critical/cynical in my old age, or TV/writing is getting worse by the day.

I have always enjoyed shows like CSI / Law & Order / The Office / Criminal Minds/ etc...

but the shows today are just BAD...the writing is poor, the story lines are bland, and overall, I can only hear Gary Sinese, or some similar actors say..."then, there must be 2 murders..." with some theme music as they fade to commercial...

Maybe that is why I like reality TV, like Top Chef or other similar things, as they are not as scripted...

I am not sure if it has to do with the Writers Strike from 2 years back...but it seems like TV today is experiencing a serious downturn!

11 December 2009


proposals sucks...

working proposals on the weekend sucks even more...

I havent even started XMas shopping yet!

10 December 2009

Dead Wrestlers...

For all those Wrestling fans...this might be the funniest OR most alarming link you have ever seen!!!

CLICK HERE! (make sure you look and read every picture/caption!)

Chinese Food...

Is there anyplace that is anygood any more?

All Chinese food today tastes the same, regardless of where you get it...it is more a matter of how greasy it is.

Suggestions on good places?

04 December 2009


While I am not the biggest soccer fan around...I was fired up to see the World Cup draw today. All in all, it seem as though the good ole USofA got a great draw.

June 2010 cant get here soon enough!

03 December 2009


I just have not had a whole lot to say recently!
