Just my thoughts on a few things that have popped up over the last couple of days...
- I have been sneezing, and my nose is running, but I am not sick!
- I do not like it when co-workers ask me to waste my time attempting to fix an issue over versions of Excel. You should know how to save it to an .xls file, when it came in as an .xlsx file
- There was an article today on CNN.com about the ethics behind selling Girl Scout Cookies in the office...Does the Girl Scouts of America really want pre-teen girls going door-to-door in this day and age? The office sale is the best and safest way to go!
- Still waiting on the our 1st major snowstorm in the last couple of years...this has been very disappointing...even KY is getting the crap kicked out of it!
- I am going to the State of Washington next week, and AMEX Travel tried to put me in the middle row...that aint going to happen!
- I saw someone getting off the subway today carrying a Sony Walkman...what, you could not trade up to the discman? If you are going to carry the Sony Walkman, why not just really go old school and carry around a BoomBox on your shoulder!

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