I was 2 for 3 again this week on A.I. I still think that Megan will advance...
Also I learned last night that attempting to take a 4 month old to a Caps game with 18,000+ people is a bad idea! Lesson Learned!!!
27 February 2009
26 February 2009
A.I. Week 2
So last night, I had to watch the show on fast forward, and my breakdown and predictions are below, however just a few thoughts prior to that:
- Paula never ceases to amaze me. She looks like a piece of garbage. As for what comes out of her mouth is really anyone's guess. I think it is time to hit the road (as if she has not been hit enough times)
- What the hell was Ryan wearing last night...I think he might have some tendancies in the other direction, if you know what I mean.
- Thankfully Fox got rid of the awkward parent moments this week.
- Week 1 was far better than Week 2
On to the Reviews:
- JASMINE MURRAY: Sang "Love Song!" Something was not right about this, but the judges as usual were right on...there is something about this girl! GRADE: B (you might move on, but take some makeup off...you are 17)
- MATT GIRAUD: Sang Cold Play's "Viva La Vida" which is a great song, but it repeatedly looked like someone had punched this guy in the stomach. Not a great performance. GRADE: C- (Back to the dueling pianos amigo)
- NICK MITCHELL (Norman Gentile): Yet another performance of “And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going.” While slightly entertaining...I think he is making a mockery of the show, and has gotta go! I am not going to lose any sleep on this guy. GRADE: B- (enough is enough)
- ALLISON IRAHETA: Signing "Alone" by Heart, which is a great A.I. song, I do not understand the hype. Sorry...GRADE: B- (whats with the red hair??? If you move on, and I think you will, we will see normal hair)
- KRIS ALLEN: Singing "Man in the Mirror" by MJ. Actually, I liked this performance, but he is boring, and has no appeal. GRADE: B+ (I think you are headed home to Arkansas)
- MEGAN JOE CORKERY: Performance of the night. You look like Heather Graham, with a massive sleeve tattoo. Stop all the bobbing and weaving though! GRADE: A- (See you in the Top 12)
- MATT BREITZKE: Singing "If You Could Only See" which was pretty boring. Also, with one other oversized blue collar guy, I think you are done: GRADE C (Head on back to the Welding site)
- JESSE LANGSETH: Singing "Bette Davis Eyes" which was a pretty good song for A.I. but she didnt do much with it. GRADE: C+ (pack your bags, and your 1 sleeve shirt)
- KAI KALAMA: I really liked this guy, but he blew it! He passed confident, and was bordering on really Gay...GRADE: D+ (Sorry Ms. Kalama, your boy is headed home)
- MISHAVONNA HENSON: Singing "Drops of Jupiter" and as usual Simon was spot-on...she is so serious...loosen up! GRADE: C (pack your crap and your weird name)
- ADAM LAMBERT: aka Little Nicky...singing Satisfaction...I already do not like this drama queen. What is your deal are you a hard-ass or are you really gay??? GRADE: A- (I think we see you again)
PREDECTIONS: Adam for dudes, Megan for the chicks, and Allison in 3rd place.
20 February 2009
19 February 2009
As Predicted...
I was pretty close on my predictions, going 2 out 3. It remains to be seen if Ann Marie makes it through on the Wild Card.
How funny is that train wreck Tatiana??? She will be fodder for years to come!
How funny is that train wreck Tatiana??? She will be fodder for years to come!
18 February 2009
A.I. Week 1
Thought I might do a quick rehashing of A.I. on a week-to-week basis...if you think I am a loser for that...Bite me...
- Jackie Tohn: What the hell were you wearing??? GRADE: D (on your way home)
- Ricky Braddy: I watched all the episodes, and do not remember you...GRADE: B- (probably on your way home)
- Alexis Grace: Big voice...little girl...kind of weird looking! GRADE: B+ (Might move on!)
- Anoop Desai: Really...an Indian dude from UNC winning AI??? GRADE: B (I think America might like this geek...but the road might be over)
- Brent Keith: The Country Boy...terrible song selection! GRADE: C (end of the road amigo)
- Stevie Wright: You looked 17...you sang like you were 12...GRADE: F (back to high school you go!)
- Michael Sarver: The Roughneck...like this dude, but his performance wasnt that good! GRADE: C+ (Judges might like him and might bring him back)
- Casey Carlson: On the upside...you are damn good looking. GRADE: F (back to making Bubble Tea, whatever the hell that is!)
- Stephen Folwer: It is the day after, and I have no recollection of what you sang last night! GRADE: C- (at least you remembered the words...maybe next year)
- Ann Marie Boskovich: You are arguably the best looking contestant ever, I am just not convinced you can sing! GRADE: B (you might be back on looks alone!)
- Tatiana Nicole Del Toro: YOU ARE A LEGIT PYSCHO! GRADE: B (America might keep her, just to see what she does next)
- Danny Gokey: Early front-runner...good performance. GRADE: A-
ADVANCE PREDECTIONS: Gokey and Boskovich with the 3rd place going to Alexis Grace
16 February 2009
A Disappointing Sunday...
I was all geared up for a Sunday of Sports with the end of the AT&T from Pebble Beach, the Daytona 500, and the Caps at Florida...I did not care about the NBA All-Star game, because I have yet to watch a game this year, and really have no idea how any team is doing!
That said, it was a very disappointing day, save for the Caps nice win over the Panthers, which was taken care of by none other than Ovie, scoring his 3rd Hat Trick of the year...
Lets start with the Golf:
That said, it was a very disappointing day, save for the Caps nice win over the Panthers, which was taken care of by none other than Ovie, scoring his 3rd Hat Trick of the year...
Lets start with the Golf:
- This is an annoying tourney to watch on TV with all the celebs playing, but...
- it got rained and winded (is that a word?) out, and...
- Our guy (Mike (Q)Weir), is currently in 2nd, a few strokes behind a guy who is untested...
- Should make for an interesting finish!
- Check that…the PGA Tour just cancelled the final…they never do that, and now I am really pissed off!!!
- This was disappointing for a number of reasons, most of which begin with it ending early, because of the rain!
- I have learned to appreciate NASCAR, and understand it better over the years, so the move that Dale Jr. and Brian Vickers made was HORRIFIC. Knocking all the leaders out, should warrant a penalty, and suspension
- I am fine that Matt Kennseth won...he never really sticks out to me one way or the other.
- I am thinking I do not care for Tony Stewart anymore, now that he up and left JGR.
- To bad for Joey Lagano Jr....solid outing until he was taken out, and placed last...Bright future.
- NASCAR is also fun, because you get to see people who look like the following (ACTUAL PIC TAKEN AT DAYTONA 2005)
11 February 2009
Some Things I Think I Think...
I have been here on the West Coast for a few days, and I am preparing to fly home on the red eye...so here are a few things to chew on!
- I actually was able to get a window seat on the way out here, and it was a pretty pleasent flight, other than the woman in the middle seat who wanted to read her newspaper across all 3 seats, and turned on her blackberry to get her email. The flight was also highlighted when we hit turbulence, and the pilot told the attendants to sit down, but someone got up, because his nose was bleeding profusely.
- I am glad I did not get on the airplane next to ours...it was going to Etheopia
- I think I want to buy some Rockports...standing at a conference for 2.5 days really takes a toll on your body
- There were little to no women at this conference
- I do not care about A-Rod...he is a D-Bag
- I am willing to bet that Adam Dunn, the Nats newest signee will eventually test positive for steroids
- Some guy just walked by me on his way to the bathroom, and about 10 steps from the bathroom, started farting.
- I am ready to go home...
06 February 2009
Random Musings Continued...
- I take back my post from the other day...I am sick, which pisses me off, as I act like a little girl when this happens
- I am still in a middle row to Washington for next week...hopefully I can solve that issue prior to my flight
- I toured a data center this morning...that was not that cool!
- I do not like the following people...if you do not know who they are...do not worry about it.
- I am doing some work currently with one of the largest Consulting Firms in the world (I will not say which one), but they are headquartered in Bethesda, MD...and I am starting to think that they only employ morons.
- I like what the University of Maryland has done in regards to the Football Coach. They have named his successor, 3 years in advance. This achieves 2 things in my mind: 1. Great for recruiting and consistency 2. A great insurance policy in case something happens to this guy
- My son took a poo in the bath this morning...

04 February 2009
Random Musings...
Just my thoughts on a few things that have popped up over the last couple of days...
- I have been sneezing, and my nose is running, but I am not sick!
- I do not like it when co-workers ask me to waste my time attempting to fix an issue over versions of Excel. You should know how to save it to an .xls file, when it came in as an .xlsx file
- There was an article today on CNN.com about the ethics behind selling Girl Scout Cookies in the office...Does the Girl Scouts of America really want pre-teen girls going door-to-door in this day and age? The office sale is the best and safest way to go!
- Still waiting on the our 1st major snowstorm in the last couple of years...this has been very disappointing...even KY is getting the crap kicked out of it!
- I am going to the State of Washington next week, and AMEX Travel tried to put me in the middle row...that aint going to happen!
- I saw someone getting off the subway today carrying a Sony Walkman...what, you could not trade up to the discman? If you are going to carry the Sony Walkman, why not just really go old school and carry around a BoomBox on your shoulder!

01 February 2009
to the Pittsburgh Steelers...
VERY VERY entertaining Super Bowl, despite the choppy play, due to the numerous penalties.
Also...NCAA, NBA, MLB, NHL, take note...the Super Bowl ended at an extremely reasonable 10:15.
Solid TV commercials as well this year (despite bad submissions by Budweiser)
VERY VERY entertaining Super Bowl, despite the choppy play, due to the numerous penalties.
Also...NCAA, NBA, MLB, NHL, take note...the Super Bowl ended at an extremely reasonable 10:15.
Solid TV commercials as well this year (despite bad submissions by Budweiser)
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