Now, I think I made it abundantly clear, where I stand on the political spectrum, but regardless of who won, is this not the most asinine thing you have ever seen???
Here are my issues:
- Who wants this in their home??? The TV commercial shows it on someone's fireplace mantle, or just hanging on the wall. Would you really want to see the face of Barack Obama (or any major policitican) everytime you come home from a long day of work
- What if this guy is a complete disaster as a President?
- As this thing only has a limited casting...people are limited to purchasing only 2 plates...WHAT? Who would want more than 1...if any!!!
Personally...I would rather see a picture of this guy...but that is just me!

LOL. Soooo funny!
You're just pissed you spent all your money on this:
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