- I cannot remember exactly what it said, but it was along the lines of "Stop Torture!" I wanted to run this woman off the road...here she is driving on her merry way in rich McLean, VA with not a care in the world and she wants to make a political statement about a bunch of thugs who have no issue hijacking 3 planes and running them into buildings, killing thousands of Americans. Godforbid, that a little waterboarding should not be allowed on 3 of these A-Holes...
- Hilary for President: I mean come on (insert mean name here)...give it up...she lost, and now Obama is sending her around the world to be the face of America. What a disaster
- Obama for President: Oh, I get it, you threw your vote for the dyke above, LOST, and now you are rooting for another horse. I think they call you a bandwagon jumper...
She should have thought about running her minivan into a wall, and seen how the airbag felt. Oh wait, that might be a form of torture!